Friday, July 22, 2011

Villefranche-Sur-Mer, France [Plugged]

Our apartment in Villefranch-sur-mer is very spacious, which is nice.  There was a storm the week before we arrived that knocked out the internet, cable, and telephone.  This was not good news.  We have been relying on internet to plan our days and communicate with landlords, bank, etc.  It was like we were thrown back in the stone ages [a whole block away from the internet cafe].

Here is a picture of the apartment:

There are a few minor annoyances, the sewer gases are coming up through the shower, which is quite pungent.  The town also turned all the free parking into paid parking.  This has resulted in many residents parking in crazy spots [e.g., the sidewalks] and we have to plug the meter each morning [although I have managed to escape a ticket by paying 3 E a day.  Many others do not pay anything].

The beach and the water are amazing.  We have been taking day trips to Nice and Monaco.

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