Saturday, January 8, 2011

Villefranche-sur-Mer, France

The third stop on our vacation is a small town between Nice and Monaco.  It is one of the deepest natural harbours of any port on the Mediterranean Sea.  As some of you know, Cristin and I spent 2 weeks in Nice on our 10th wedding anniversary in 2006.  We loved the area, but thought we would try a different village with a sandy beach [the beach in Nice is smooth pebbles].

We rented an apartment from a very nice women from San Francisco who had a fairly in depth rental process, including a telephone interview.  It was great speaking with her and she imparted a lot of information about the area.  The apartment was built in 1700 and remodeled in 2006 [after 306 years a place can start looking dated].  Here is a picture from the front window:

We thought that we would spend some time in Nice; take a boat taxi along to Cote d'Azur to Monaco and visit the Jacque Cousteau Oceanographic Museum; and take the kids to St. Paul de Vence [a walled medieval village known for its art galleries]:

We also have a favourite vegetarian restaurant in Nice that is run by a relative of Luciano Pavarotti.  The fare is very italian and very cheesy.  The menu is set and is 5 separate courses.  We are quite excited to go back to La Zucca Magica.

We will also be spending some quality time on the beach.  We informed Quinncy that most of the sunbathers in France tend to wear much less clothing then we are accustomed to in Canada.  Needless to say, Villefranche-sur-Mer has become his most anticipated destination.

Sit vis vobiscum.

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